Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Creative Space - Thanksgiving

Well, down here in the southern hemisphere it is the third Thursday of the last month of Autumn... the equivalent to the same date in November in the northern hemisphere... so...


The preparations started yesterday. In fact I didn't get to bed till almost midnight (serves me right for not being more organised). Jellyfish, Little Clam and I made some gingerbread men using a vintage cutter that Jellyfish's Oma gave him (his great grandmother). There was just something about the collar and the big buttons that made me think of Puritans, and Thanksgiving. Being that he had no idea of my previous thoughts, that morning he asked if we could make some, and here we are!

I had quite a bit of fun making all the dishes actually, some were sourced from my friend who used to live in the US, some were from last November's Martha Stewart Living Magazine and some were family recipes. Thought I'd share some pictures of the going's on with you.

Main course

My lunch - too intent on eating it to remember to take a photo first!

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake (half mix) from Martha Stewart Living Magazine

It was also my friend Alysha's second last Thursday lunch with us (a tradition that we started just after Jellyfish was born) as she is off to a new job in a new location, so we thought we would make it just a little bit special. She brought the yummy Blueberry slice.

Hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did! I'm off to watch a spot of Grand designs with the man of the house! :)


  1. oooowww that all looks soooo yummy!!!! Don't show a pregnant woman food like that, you're such a tease!!!! Its 5.30 am here and after seeing that spread I could eat EVERYTHING in the fridge! hahaha

  2. Oh I hadn't thought of the calendar difference that way. Happy Thanksgiving indeed!! Your foods look amazing... and you can send any leftovers right here :)

  3. YUM. The pumpkin spice cheesecake is making me especially hungry. I've never had one before but it looks delicious. :)

  4. Wow, that looks delicious! I love the gingerbread men - so cute!

  5. oh such yummy goodies! everything looks great! cheesecake makes me hungry :)

  6. hmm pumpkin spiced cheesecake?! I do like pumpkin scones, so I'd give it a try. Happy Sthn hemisphere thanksgiving.


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