Over the weekend we took a trip to escape the rain that has been plaguing us here for the past 8 days straight - and it was bliss! I woke up Saturday morning to sunshine streaming into my room (OK, well after I opened the blinds, anyway!)
We took the kids to Sabbath School and church with my brother and his wife, and what do you know? The Pete Dixon Band was playing! Pete used to be around when I was at College, so Mr. Kelp and I know him fairly well. (OK, so he was also there when my sister was there, and she is somewhat older than I ... not giving too much away about your age though Pete - Promise!)
Along the way my brother spotted a wild rose bush with rose hips on it, so we had a small track-side snack. You just scrape the prickles off them (I have never seen a rose hip with prickles before!), split them open and remove the seeds, and Voila! Instant snack. Some were a little dry, and some were juicy and tart - Mmmm!
Further down the track was this little grove of trees. I just loved the varying leaf shapes and colours (alas, I didn't get any close-ups). And in that little grove of trees, was a cute little bench seat - just begging to be sat on. What a fabulous spot for a view of the lake!
It was just the kind of spot I would want to bring a comfy throw and a good book and sit and read a while. As the rays of sunshine got weaker and weaker, we headed for home and some gourmet pizza (sorry - no photos of that, but they were gooooood. Oh my!)
The next morning, the sun greeted me warmly again - so warm in fact that after sitting in its warmth for a while crocheting my little heart away, I started to feel like I was getting burned. Don't worry. I just threw a different top on and kept right on sitting there! There was actually more cloud about on Sunday, but the day was still glorious!
See? Blue, blue, blue! No sign of rain - Yippee! Don't get me wrong - I love rain too. I just needed a little "sun tonic".
And this is the view from the balcony. Kind of reminds me of Lucy's attic view. Now if you haven't visited Lucy yet - do yourself a favour and do so. She is one talented lady and has some amazing images from her weekend wanderings too.
Just wonderful to find and soak in all that sunshine!! Your pictures are just stunning! Oh, and what are you crocheting right now?