I have something to share though, that quite literally makes me bubble with excitement at the thought of it...
RETRO. Ahh yes. The sweet of enticement of something that came from a time when things were simpler. When people had a back yard to put a dog in. when children played under sprinklers with joyful abandon. When men up and down the street could be seen out mowing their lawns on a weekend morning, smiling and waving to one another. A time when you had to pick up your phone and actually dial in each number to talk to a friend - or even better - when you sat out on your front verandah and sipped cool drinks with your friends/neighbours. Rather like in one of my fave songs, Mayberry (Country music isn't usually my thing - but this one just strikes a chord with me).
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This coming weekend, The Old Bus Depot Markets in Canberra are hosting Retro Depot. I don't want to sound like a cracked record, but it's time to get your groove back, if you forgot where you left it! ;)