Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pretty Baby Burp Cloths

So we're down to less than 7 weeks to go now (give or take) and there are so many things that I want to get done! When I last posted, I had a list of things that I wanted to get done. Well, in the past couple of days it has been modified somewhat...

Burp Cloths (some pretty ones) DONE!
Maternity Skirt for me
Fabric toy
Patchwork cushion (for the feeding chair)
Find baskets/boxes for the baby's cupboard DONE!
Knit/crochet a jacket/jumper
And at some point, a quilt/play mat

Want to see the Burp Cloths?
Of course you do!

I was at my local quilting shop a little while ago while I was getting some heavy weight interfacing for another project when I spied some Michael Miller Ta Dot in the remnant box. As soon as I saw it I knew it was destined to become a couple of pretty burp cloths. I was so excited and couldn't wait to get it home, washed and cut into lengths. Fast forward a couple of weeks and that is about how long it took to get it ironed and cut (Friday afternoon during nap time to be precise!) I used this tutorial loosely, and changed the sizes to suit myself (I mostly used Canning Vale cloth nappies folded in half with the two boys). For backing I went a little bit green and used a soft white towel that we have had for YEARS. Nothing quite like a little re-purposing. All up they cost under $4 for both of them.

Now my stitching isn't perfect (there are a couple of  wobbles there), but I am pretty darned happy with how they turned out! :) I just get these little bursts of happiness when I look at them. I just love their colour!

So I hope your weekend has been a full and enjoyable one, filled with little pops of happiness sprinkled throughout.

Till next time...

S xxx

The Good, The Bad and the Yet-to-Be...

They are finished. I found a pattern a little while ago for some Simple Crossover Baby Booties. I think they are incredibly cute and very easy to put together (although from the photo you can probably see that I need to work on my stitching skills. I'll have to get back to this one and make it look better!)

I don't actually think that they will stay on with the design the way it is, so I am hoping to find some little vintage buttons to add to the outer side of them and make a loop to hold it all together. Otherwise I'll just use whatever buttons I can find.

The other thing I decided to finally stitch together is the Easy Baby Bear Beanie. This one didn't work for me. I wanted it to be a beanie that was just a tad bigger than the starfish beanie, but with the brim rolled down it fits my 2 year old! (Guess he will be the recipient of it). It is WAAAYYY to big! I'm a bit sad really. I don't know that I could be bothered knitting up another one for bubby... the yarn was HORRIBLE. No, really. A total horror story. The acrylic chenille like yarn snags while you knit with it. If you were to drop a stitch you pretty much wouldn't find it till it was far to late to do anything about it (and would have to pull it all undone again).
... I think I may have become a yarn snob.

So, seven weeks to go (give or take) till our little Yet-to-Be arrives, and I still have a bunch of things to do!

Here's what I'm wanting to do:

Burp Cloths (some pretty ones)
Maternity Skirt for me
Fabric toy
Patchwork cushion (for the feeding chair)
Find baskets/boxes for the baby's cupboard 
Knit/crochet a jacket/jumper
And at some point, a quilt/play mat

I realise that I don't have time to do it all. I will have to be selective. Especially as the nesting/cleaning bug is starting to kick in. Wish me speedy creating! :)

So there you go. That is what has been happening in my creative space this week. Hopefully I will get a whole lot more done soon!

Till then...
S xxx

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rainy Day Entertainment

Well it's been raining heavily here for the past couple of days, so keeping the rather energetic little peeps busy takes a little more thought than at other times when you can just wander outside and play (in the sandpit, on the swings, bikes, climbing frame, and other outdoor toys). Iview and Collin Buchanan played a part - but lets face it, kids go stir crazy if they have media all day! Thankfully a good friend sent me a package the other day (more on that later) that contained two kits to make bi-planes, so here is where the journey started.

Also, we dug out the train set that Jellyfish got from Nana & Pa a couple of years ago (minus the carriage - I think it got put in another toy tub), and the Duplo, and they started creating. Here is what they came up with.

They each built their own section of track, and then I had the lucky task of piecing it all together. From there (with a couple of suggestions) they embellished it till they liked how it looked. If you are wondering what that mustard coloured things is in the back ground. That's our floor snake. Think in terms of a really long beanbag, and you have some idea what it looks like.

The train and people got such a work out that the battery in the train is now well and truly flat! That doesn't stop them making the people and animals interact though, and Bertie the bus has also been doing several runs since the train is out of commission! ;)

This morning there are sprinklings of sunshine amongst the cloud, so we took our chances and took a walk down through the bush to the creek, which after 114mm of rain, is looking pretty full. Jellyfish got water in his gumboots, and Little C came back spattered with mud, but they had a delightful time. I didnt' have the camera with me - sorry, you will have to use your imaginations (Roc, you know what I'm talking about).
So there you have it. My creative space has involved finding things for the boys to do rather than my own creative pursuits - but that's OK with me. :) Besides, hubby and the foot on my sewing machine had a little altercation last night (yes, he does to the very odd spot of sewing), so right now I'm not sure it's exactly usable.

Hope you have been having a creative week - or at least spending your time doing something fun with those you love.

S xxx

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

From the Other Side of the Pond...

How is it, that right when you are having a "flat" day, somehow, somewhere, someone knows (well, maybe a bit ahead of time) that you need a bit of a pick-me-up? That was the case one week ago. Flat day. No energy. Feeling just a bit awkward and bulgy (translate: VERY pregnant). And the kids were being, well, 4 and 2 respectively.

So when the parcel delivery guy comes running down our driveway with a box that says "Hello from the United States!" I got really excited. I love it that I have friends on the other side of the big blue pond. Friends that, even though I have never met them, know how to speak to my heart.

And something to bless our soon-to-be here baby. Not only was the gift beautifully wrapped, it is beautiful itself, and I can't wait to use it (OK, well I can wait for the baby to get here... but I think the blanket will have to be used as soon as possible... maybe on the ride home from hospital! :) )
I am completely blessed.

Jana, Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

S xxx

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brocato Soup

Well the days have been gorgeous here for the past few days, but the evenings can be quite chilly. Our choices of food go from anything like falafel and salad wraps at lunch (some of which was consumed on a picnic rug in the back yard) to warmer heavier meals at night. Last nights endeavours was a soup recipe that I came up with a couple of weeks ago. The first time around I just kind threw things in together that I thought would work. And. It. Was. Good.
So this time around I thought I would see if I could replicate it successfully... lets just say that there were second helpings served. :) It's so incredibly easy - I just had to share it with you. 

Brocato Soup

8 large Potatoes
1 medium small head of Broccoli
1 large onion, finely diced
A pinch of Salt
1 Stock cube (either vegetable or chicken)

Peel potatoes and cut into chunks no bigger than 5cm (2") square. Put in saucepan with enough water to cover them by a few cm's. Add Stock Cube, pinch of Salt, and Onion.
Cook until potato is almost tender (in my case I use a pressure cooker, and had it up to pressure for about 3 minutes). Add broccoli florets and peeled stem. Cook for a further 4-5 minutes or till the broccoli is soft but still a fresh green colour.
Mash well (DO NOT BLEND - it ruins the texture of the potato) till no lumps appear. Add milk* or milk replacement till you gain the desired consistency.
*. If you want a lower fat option, used boiled water and milk at a ratio that pleases you.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Catching up...

Has it really been two weeks since I have posted anything? Oh my! Do you have weeks like that when you are just go-go-go, and you just need a moment to catch your breath? Well here I am finally, catching up...

With those I love, and my creative urges. My creative space this week has been largely about family. Making memory moments with them. Creating a space where they are welcome, cared for, and know that they are loved.

It also contained a little stitching of these...

Pattern found here.

An Easter egg hunt for my two little peeps and their three cousins (I'm not sure who had the most fun, those of us laying the Easter egg hunt, and then watching the kids relish in it, or the kids themselves!).

And yesterday I started a new little project.

I'll keep you posted on this one, but I'm hoping to have it completed in the next week.

Hope you weekend is full of sunshine and  happiness!

S xxx

Joining in here and here.