Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekend WIP Wind-up

On Thursday I found out that friends of ours had just had a baby girl, so I was keen to whip up another baby hat (seen here and here) with this pattern. Unfortunately, I didn't have any yarn that excited me to use for a baby girl, so I had to wait. Friday came, and I wandered into Hornsby Wool & Craft Nook where I pounced on a ball of  yarn that looked good enough to eat - and filled all the categories of a) soft, b) non-itchy wool and c) non-wishywashy baby colour. I don't mind a few pastels, but you kinda have to get it just right for it to work.

After a little hooky each evening, I finished it Sunday night. I am L-O-V-I-N-G this yarn! (I mean, till now, the most pleasurable yarn I had worked with was Jo Sharp's Silkroad Aran, which I whipped up a scarf and neckie out of in the colourway Casket - now discontinued).

I did make a couple of alterations to the pattern. I had to add a couple of extra rows to make it long enough as the yarn was a lighter gauge than the pattern called for. Then I fiddled with the flower. This one doesn't have the second row of petals, just longer sections of chain to make the centre pop a little. I think I like it better. The Mr. certainly does! (A nod of approval on something that I have made from him really says something!)

Yarn: Sublime baby cashmere merino silk dk in the Jammy colourway.

Snug as a Bug PJ's
The second thing that I finished was the PJ's for Jellyfish. He has even worn them to bed and is totally chuffed with them (as am I - I mean, I SEWED some clothing!!!). He keeps telling daddy that "Mummy made these for me from my fabric" (Translates as he was given several to choose from, and that is the one that he wanted). Yes, little Mr. 3 loves talking about fabric, yarn and such. The other day I heard him talking to himself and it went something like this...
"Chain four. Then slip the stitch. Now single crochet, half double crochet the next three stitches..." My goodness! I nearly choked. Either I talk when I'm counting stitches, or he has seen me checking out You Tube for ideas one too many times! LOL
Here they are...

Do these make anyone else want to don a pair and head for bed with a good book?


  1. I would LOVE to! I'll send u my sizing if u want ;-) Very cute hat. Love the colour.

  2. That little bub hat is too cute! You really did select a pretty color, it's nice to see a saturated deep pink! Aww, the pj's are perfect too. Nice to see the little one so happy with them! And I nearly spit out my coffee on your comment about your son saying a crochet pattern. Adorable!

  3. Great Pj's and I love the colour of the hat.
    Very funny what kids say isn't it - your crafting has obviously been noticed by someone!


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