Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hellooo Spring!

The first day of Spring! I have been waiting for this moment for the past 3 months. Don't you just get a lift in your soul when Spring rolls around? Here are a few snapshots taken around my garden over the past couple of weeks.

Jellyfish and I planted pots with Grape Hyacinth and Scilla. We got Star Violets as a bonus. :) (Oh and the Scilla aren't flowering yet)

Spring Star

Grape Hyacinth

These little purple stars are ALL THROUGH our lawn near the back fence - it is beautiful. They are a bit smaller than the size of a 5c piece.

A native grass - these get little berries on them that are edible.
I DO love my blossoms!!! I think these are the best this year that I have seen in the 8.5 years we have been living here.

This morning I donned a new bright Green T-shirt (I might have to show you some other time) that the Mr. Brought home for me the other day, some sports gear, and took my boys for a walk, and then back to the park for a play on the way home. The sun warmed air was drenched with the fragrance of flowers in the gardens along the paths. The birds seemed to know that it is Spring, and were singing up quite a chorus. There was a spring in my step, and I just felt great to be alive! :) This afternoon I COULD sit at the sewing machine and work on something for Little Clam, but I would rather just curl up in the sunshine and read this.

So how does Spring affect you?


  1. yay spring! spring makes me want to re-decorate :)

  2. Your pictures are very striking!! Great colors and vibrance. Hard to think of spring as we prepare for fall/winter, but spring does always have the sense of renewal and energy for me too! I will surely enjoy seeing your warmer seasons unfold as we hid from the white stuff (snow).

  3. Ahhh, the happy flowers of spring! I think the first flowers in the garden at spring time are so bright.. because they flowers are excited as well!!

  4. It's so funny to see spring just now beginning on the other side of the world. It is hands down my favorite season. The majority of blogland is writing about their excitement for fall. I'll gladly vicariously relive spring through you.


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