Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do You Raspberry Stitch?

So I've noticed there seems to be a lot of interest out there with raspberry stitch. I have a confession to make... the raspberry stitch tut/pattern that I blogged way back when, was the first time I had even attempted the stitch. Add that to the fact that I pretty much had my tension WAY too tight  didn't help at all. I put it down to being nervous about dropping a stitch. 

All that aside, I am incredibly curious to find out what you all out there are making with your 
raspberry stitch yarn-y wonders. Which got me to thinking... 

Would you like a link up database with lots of raspberry stitch projects - rather like an inspiration board -  one where you could link up a project you have done in raspberry stitch, and one where you could find other  projects to inspire you? If this tickles your fancy, leave a comment and a way to contact you (If your email is available through your blog, don't worry about leaving it in your comment - I'd rather avoid spammers for your sake).

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Sheree xxx

1 comment :

  1. Oh my goodness, these are so beautiful! You are so talented!


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