Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Beginnings

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It's been a while... too long really, since I have popped in to say hi. I have visited a few of you at your blogs - but not as much as I would have liked. It wouldn't surprise me if you got completely sick of the lack of action here at Seaweed & Raine, and left - but I have a good reason (kind of) for my absence. You see, a little person is coming to live at our place in mid June, and we are pretty excited about it! :)

The nausea wasn't pleasant - so between trying to run a house hold, spend time with the boys, plan Little C's party, and then the lead up to Christmas, I had absolutely no energy left for blogging. Never mind. All my lovely plans for ideas and tutorials for Christmas will have to wait for next year I guess.

Being that the baby will arrive in winter, I'm keen to start on some winter woollies for it. My other two were Spring babies, so we were moving into warmer weather. This means I will have to re-think what the little bean will wear for those first 4 months or so. If you have any suggestion for patterns (ones that you have tried or ones that look fab) please let me know. I'm not the fastest at either knit or crochet, and I still tremble a little when using my sewing machine (guess I'd better get on with that while I can still get close enough to the machine to actually sew!!! LOL)

Anyway I just wanted to share our news, and wish you all a wonderful start to 2012. May your creativity find new levels and your relationships with your family bloom.


S xox


  1. WOW WOW WOW!!!! Congratulations. That is fabulous news xxxxxx Well I think that is a perfect reason for not blogging as much as you would like. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I will keep an eye out for some cute patterns.

  2. sweet. Congratulations on your new little one growing inside. What a blessing in the new year.
    xo Jana

  3. Oh my gosh... that's fantastic news sweetie!! Whhohoooo for a new sweet little bundle of Seaweed to cuddle (hopefully that sounds right). Glad you are feeling ok and through a lot of nausea. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and as for patterns... I haven't done any wee sized things, but will keep you in mind as I surf blogs. What an exciting start to the year!!

  4. Happy New Year and a big congratulations!


  5. Happy New Year and congratulations on your lovely news...nothing like some new baby cuteness in your life!

  6. such wonderful happy new year news! well done you. stay well and rested ;)

  7. well that's a great excuse, we are smiling from ear to ear for your blessing!!!!!!!!!! Congrats dear friend. Ps have been missing your blogs tho, hope nausea passes soon. xx

  8. Congratulations!! Wonderful news!!! Shall send you some patterns when I come across them :)

  9. Congrats! Can't wait already for him/her to arrive!

    Cleakheaton Cocoon has at least two pattern books out. I think one is for 4 ply wool and the other for 8 ply (maybe). Anyway... Mum has knitted numerous items from both these books for each of the kids and they are gorgeous, modern and simply delightful! They are so easy that EVEN I knitted a jumper from them. Look them up. Mum also did another pattern but I'll have to ask her for the name. It is just beautiful too.

    Happy preparing :)

    Lv Meli

  10. How about this for coincidence? I thought of you this morning and wondered if there was another little person on the way - then tonight checked your blog for about the third time ever and found my answer. I'm so excited. Have fun preparing for his/her arrival. Ann

  11. CONGRATS! That is wonderful news and the best of all reasons to be blog AWOL!

  12. Congratulations on your exciting news! My 3 boys were born June, July and August :) I love having winter babies - what can be a better excuse to stay inside and cuddle up to a precious little new person?!


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