Monday, July 30, 2012

Home again...

Yes, I am still alive. I've been away from this little space more than I like lately - but sometimes that's just how it goes. Last week we got a message to say that our friends (one of whom grew up with hubby) were visiting "home" for a few days, as his mum was really sick. Then a day later we got news that she had passed away, so we made a quick decision to drop everything and go up to Port for the funeral to support them, and then stay for the weekend. Aside from the sad part of it, it was actually wonderful to spend time with these people who really fit the description that "Friends are the family that you choose for yourself".

We did find a little spot of time before we headed back to the "big smoke" to head to the beach... the one above is a little ways from where we were - but I didn't take my camera with me the day we wandered down there for half an hour or so. The sun was gorgeous, but the wind really bit! Baby starfish spent most of his time in the sling, so he stayed out of the wind for the most part. The boys and hubby made dribble castles in the sand. I'm still kicking myself for not taking the camera with us!

There was yarn involved too - lots and lots of it - in every imaginable colour... but more on that later!
I hope you were able to spend the weekend with people you love too...

S xxx

I'd also like to say a big WELCOME to all the new people that are following along on GFC. It's great to have you along for the journey.


  1. good friends are many kinds of awesome!

    1. Aren't they ever! :) I feel incredibly blessed. (It's good to have friends too that you can spend your birthday with, right Trace?)

  2. My husband and girls are currently obsessed with making dribble sandcastles - while I sit on the beach and wish it was easier to bring my knitting along!!

    1. Dribble castles are a load of fun. I wish I had known about them when I was a kid. Try crochet instead... It's easier to fit in a little bag.


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