Wednesday, June 26, 2013

S is for...Sweet

One of the things that I first came up with for Baby Starfish's party was a letter S covered in buttons... but every place I looked for letters, the letters were too small for what I was looking for. Hmm. What to do. Put on creative cap and use my own imagination of course!

I started with some sheets of corrugated cardboard (the ones I used came in the packaging for the boy's new doona covers - win-win, recycling and I get to make decor with it) and PVA glue. After gluing the sheets together, I free handed a letter 'S' and then started cutting through the layers with a craft knife. That was about when the Hubs came in and offered to cut it out on the bench saw. Now before you say "why didn't you think of that first, Sheree?", I have a confession to make... The bench saw scares me (well, with something that fiddly, anyway!). So like a sensible girl, I said yes. Really. Who wouldn't.
I then covered each surface with card stock in Kaisercraft CD150 island.

1. First I covered the front and back sides, cutting the card stock a bit bigger than the corrugate.

2.Then I put little snips in the edges to let it bend and glue down like so.

3. After that came the sides, since they would be visible at the end and I wanted them to be smooth... I could have done it the other way around in hind-sight (sides first, then front/back). I didn't get any photos of that except just before I attached them - you'll have to use your imagination.

Next up was the buttons. I looked through my stash. Barely enough there to make a dent in the whole "cover the front" concept, so I made a trip to Spotlight (I think Joann's is probably the US equivalent, or there abouts) and sourced a big bag of craft buttons and a few cards of pretty decorative ones.

All that was left was to arrange them. I sat the letter S on a big blank canvas so that if any little wayward button decided to break ranks it was easy to retrieve, and then using my lampshade glue I sat in front of the TV and glue, glue, glued my little heart out for about a hour. Yep. An hour. But I can be pretty slow and pedantic, so I'm sure other's could probably do it in less time. Et Voila!

One letter S perfect for Baby Starfish's first birthday bash, and then to be relegated to bedroom decor. Woo hoo!

Sharin' here:


  1. Was thinking about you today and wondering how you are. It looks like we may be headed to the gold Coast for our 25t Anniversary. It will be my first trip to Australia and I couldn't be more excited!

  2. That is so much fun! Nothing sweeter than buttons, honestly. I must admit that I'm pretty freaked out by using power tools myself. Perhaps that needs to go on my bucket list!
    xoxo jules

  3. Okay now this is SO creative!!! I could picture this in a kids room or a playroom! What a fabulous idea!!

    My readers would love this! I’d love it if you linked this up over at Living Well Spending Less for Thrifty Thursday this week!

  4. looking so good, what a great idea!


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