Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Creative Space - Sneek Peek

I haven't forgotten this little space. And I know I haven't managed to reply to some of your comments yet either... hopefully soon. Things haven't been exactly quiet around these parts though. There had been a little snipping, a little slicing, and a wee bit of sewing - not to mention the baking (more on that later)

Here is a little peek at what I've been working with.

I'll be back in a day or two (few) with more on those.

Sharing the creative passion here.


  1. I love all the polka dots and fresh colours!

  2. Gorgeous fabric.. love all the colours :)

  3. Lovely fabrics - will be interested to see what they become:) Cyndy

  4. Ooooh, it's looking goooooood! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve to share!



Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I love comments. They seriously make my day. I read every one of them, and although I don't always get time to respond, know that I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. You are welcome to pop in any time :)